Jalur Naga

I used to watch Son Goku with Dragon Ball, i suppose in Indosiar when i was a kid... Cerita tentang kekuatan tiada habis, level-level kekuatan yang tiada akhir... Saat satu kekuatan muncul maka level kekuatan yang lain akan lebih hebat... That's the way the fiction should be! You could make audience imagination going further and let them travel their own emotion and deep attention... WOW... if i could have Shen Rong arrives i would wish my own paradise somewhere to live ever after... why must i go to college and raise my level...haha, Lazy mike...

Talking about jalur naga, uch... this is my own Jalur Naga... wanna raise my level, wanna get scholarships... wanna travel around the world or some destinations that could be my own paradise.. but to run is like the hell paradise... Membosankan... UTS, and then UAS try to raise my IP... again the steps and stamina must be maintained... Fhew, Then where is that damn Kaioosama, i just heard Osama in London...Hahaha...

Mendengar kabar dari kolega, banyak yang sudah menikah... Fheww... For a man to struggle is sinamot, Never plan to get married but somehow i have to achieve the level... Tapi semua jalanku masih belum cukup, aku ingin berlari lagi menggapai impianku.. Berlari dengan bebas tanpa tahu kemana kaki melangkah dan menemukan surga ku sendiri. Tapi dengan semua kemonotonan ini make me sick... I wanna go home, Go to my own paradise.. Wanna have a long rest time... Some people suggest me to find a girl but found none, different religion, others miscommunicate, sok jual mahal tapi setelah itu mengejar-ngejar (SUCK) , belum lagi masa pedekate yang make me sick... But actually I need a woman for sure... It helped me out so much..

Melihat teman-teman di kantor, menikah dalam masa muda, yang kulihat belum mapan. Setelah menikah belum punya rumah, harus mengontrak.. Fheew... But they are brave enough... I am not.. Panjang... masih panjang perjalanan ini, biar saja lah aku berlari dan terus berlari... sampai dimana akhir perjalanan hidup ini... Sampai dimana level-level yang dapat diraih oleh diri ini...


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