Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwise blessing; knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye should inherit a blessing. ~1 Peter 3:9)

Peter writes: “Never return…insult for insult” (evil for evil) (1 Peter 3:9 ). When you’re under fire, instead of defending yourself with caustic comments and clever comebacks designed to put the other guy in his place, pray “for their welfare, happiness, and protection…that you may…inherit a blessing [from God]” (v. 9 ). “Keep [your] tongue… from evil” (v. 10 ).

Some people never learn this lesson . There’s an old English headstone that reads: “Beneath this sod, this lump of clay, lies Arabella Young; who on the 24th of May began to hold her tongue.”

During the French Revolution the king and queen were beheaded, leaving the crown prince orphaned. There was talk about beheading him too, until somebody said, “If you kill him you’ll just send his soul to heaven. Instead, turn him over to Old Meg and she’ll teach him vile, filthy words so his soul will be damned forever!”

However, when they turned the prince over to this woman of the streets who tried to get him to repeat all kinds of profanity, he refused, saying, “I was born to be a king and I will not say it!” Bottom line, when you’re the child of the King your words should reflect it.

“Seek peace” (v. 11). It takes courage to be the peacemaker. Everywhere you look people are angry about the economy, health care, unemployment, and just about anything else you can think of. Being a peacemaker isn’t the same as being a peacekeeper. Peacekeepers look for ways to keep the peace by maintaining a delicate balance between both sides. Peacemakers plow into the middle of the conflict and help them make peace with each other.

Lord of Lords, King of Kings, as we mature into the persons that You want us to be, we give You all the Glory and Praise for what we are becoming. If we could all take a lesson from the crown prince and an say those words " I was born of a KING and I will not say the evil ugly words" Help us dear Lord to be righteous in Your name, to stand up for what we know is right and good and pleasing to You. Maturity is a long process and we all know in the end the treasures are so worth it. Thank You Father for all You do for each of us. In Jesus name we pray Amen.


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